Last Updated: April 2nd, 2023
By using Arkadia and interacting with our service, you represent and warrant that you agree to our privacy policy.
Arkadia collects some amount of data about users for the bots normal operation.
Specifically, this is the ID of your Discord user account, which is linked to a "Kingdom" that associates the user with the game. Any interaction with the bot requires storing your
Discord user ID.
Arkadia uses message content to determine if messages sent in a channel (territory) are duplicated messages, and not qualify it as affecting that territory's income level. Only the most recent message is stored at any time and is encrypted as an md5 hash strictly for checking duplicate messages.
Any collected information is high value for us, and as such it is stored securely and being encrypted.
It is also not shared with any third party services.
You have the right to request removal of your data. We will process your request within 30 days after it being reviewed.
Please join our Discord server and open a ticket asking for such requests.